The Payara Foundation
Protect the Future of the Payara Platform Community Project.
Payara Foundation website is currently being re-built and is coming back later in 2025 so watch this space!
Payara Foundation is the home for Payara Server and Payara Micro Community Editions’ code and documentation.
Payara Foundation is a not-for-profit with the mission to ensure the continued development and maintenance of Payara Platform Community Project as open source software for the benefit of its community of users.
Payara Foundation relies on the Payara Users Community for contributions to the Payara Platform Community Project source code and documentation.

Payara Platform Community Project on GitHub
Submit Bugs, Raise Issues and Contribute Code
As with many open source projects, the Payara Platform Community is hosted on GitHub, allowing anyone to contribute code and help with its development.
To make sure that development is coordinated and that changes are easily tracked, we have a series of steps that should be followed in order to get your code merged.
If you find a bug, raise it on GitHub Issues. Or if you Fork It and Fix It, we’ll pull it. Sign the contributor agreement and we will even send you some free awesome merch.
Payara Platform Community Edition Downloads
Create. Innovate. Elevate.
The goals of the Payara Platform Community Edition are to follow the open-source mantra of “release early, release often” – getting the latest innovations of Jakarta EE and MicroProfile into the hands of developers as fast as possible.
The Payara Server and Payara Micro Community Editions offer open source server runtimes for development projects and containerized Jakarta EE and MicroProfile applications. Consider it a developer’s playground for trying new features. Payara Community is where innovation happens.

Community Engagement
Global Virtual MeetUps
We organise regular virtual meet ups that include release overview webinars, roadmap updates, discussion panels with other organisations, presentations and community discussions.
Payara MeetUpJava User Groups Support
We are committed to supporting our local Java User Groups to help engage and educate the growing Payara and Jakarta EE Community. We offer many types of support, including sponsorships, webinars, on-site talks and workshops, articles and swag. We are open to discussing how we can work together. Contact us to find out more!
Contact Us!Payara Community Forum
The Payara Forum aims to nurture an open, vibrant, collaborative community that builds on the needs of all to advance our software and services while providing support, stability and security.
Payara ForumPayara Platform for Beginners
Getting Started, Docs, Guides and Technical Help
Find help getting started with Payara Server and Payara Micro and get answers to technical questions.
Get Started with Payara Server
Step-by-step guidance through installing, writing, and deploying an application to Payara Server even if you’ve never used the application server before.
Payara ServerGet Started with Payara Micro
Create and deploy a ‘hello world’ application with Payara Micro.
Payara MicroProduct Documentation
Documentation for the Payara Platform Community Edition, targeted for developers looking to play with the latest features and APIs during development before potentially moving to Payara Enterprise in production.
Payara Platform StackOverflow with questions and answers for anyone who codes.